Monday, May 09, 2011

What Lines foretell

Of barren breaths and worn-out wares,
A tumultuous journey, a comedy of errors;
Through hearts of darkness, or a child’s glee,
A change of clothes, and I shall just be.

To a lonely grave, or a lasting embrace?
Two sides of a coin, a sigh or solace?
The unquenched spirit- near elixir, yet always afar;
Tiptoes hope and despair, through life’s door ajar..

In the court of Fate, a plea for succor,
To assuage the ache, for soul recover?
A kindred spirit, a warm abode to dwell?
An unheard prayer, the Lines foretell..


smita said...

Neatly crafted ! Love the "plea for succor"...."warm abode"...

Keep them coming !

Anonymous said...

Hi - I am certainly happy to discover this. great job!